Human beings are blessed with the ability to dream and transform their lives. We are superior to all the other creatures in terms of using our intellect and taking the right steps to change our circumstances. Now, it is up to us how we utilize our resources and time for the betterment of our lives.…
It Is Not the Strongest of the Species That Survives, But Rather, That Which Is Most Adaptable To Change
The greatness of the universe imparts plenty of beneficial lessons upon its inhabitants– The dawn gives us the message of hope, and the dark sky at night indicates that everything comes to an end. Similarly, different weather patterns show us that time never stands still. One important lesson our planet teaches us daily is the…
Hate The Sin Love The Sinner
Human beings have different ways of assessing themselves and others around them. We become excellent debaters when it comes to defending our own mistakes and justifying our actions. Moreover, we expect others to be fully aware of the reason for our shortcomings and know why we behaved in a certain way. However, when someone else…
Be Yourself; Everyone Else Is Already Taken
Social networking sites have been a game changer for the world. We can easily connect with people and get a good look at what everyone around us is up to. It is truly a blessing to communicate with our loved ones whenever we want, in just a few seconds. However, one of the most significant…
It Always Seems Impossible Until It's Done
The inspirational stories of successful entrepreneurs, writers, and celebrities sometimes appear unrealistic to us. We often believe these people are somehow different and have unique qualities that helped them achieve their goals. The difference between accomplished individuals and the rest of us is strong perseverance despite numerous failures. Many passionate souls stop working towards their…