It Is Not the Strongest of the Species That Survives, But Rather, That Which Is Most Adaptable To Change

It Is Not the Strongest of the Species That Survives, But Rather, That Which Is Most Adaptable To Change

The greatness of the universe imparts plenty of beneficial lessons upon its inhabitants The dawn gives us the message of hope, and the dark sky at night indicates that everything comes to an end. Similarly, different weather patterns show us that time never stands still.

One important lesson our planet teaches us daily is the concept of change. Every day, we are shown the bright morning sky turning dark, the moon and stars taking the place of the sun. Change is an inevitable part of life, and we mortals often have little to no control over it.

Luckily, the Almighty God has made us adaptable and endowed us with the ability to survive almost any situation that may come our way. The stone age era is the prime example of how human beings survived tough situations despite lacking proper resources. For instance, they created weapons with whatever material they could find to hunt for food. They also used animal skin to keep their bodies warm. The lifestyle of early men shows that human beings are gifted with the skill to combat any difficulty that stands in their way.

Flexibility and adaptation to changing situations are the biggest strengths that allow us to conquer adversity. Molding yourself according to your circumstances opens the doors to growth and endless opportunities, as explained in the following quote:

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, but rather, that which is most adaptable to change.

Where Does the Quote Come from?

The quote is widely attributed to Charles Darwin. Unfortunately, this attribution cannot be verified due to the lack of credible sources. A similar match of this quote is found in the speech of Leon C. Megginson, Louisiana State University Business Professor. The text of his speech was published in the association’s quarterly journal.

Who Was Charles Darwin?

Charles Robot Darwin was a popular biologist, geologist, and naturalist. His contribution to evolutionary biology earned him worldwide recognition. Darwin’s interest and curiosity in nature led him to quit his medical education at the University of Edinburgh. His academic years from 1828 to 1831 at the University of Cambridge further strengthened his passion for natural sciences.

In 1831, he embarked on a five-year voyage on HMS Beagle to South America and the South Seas. Darwin’s keen observations and important geological and zoological discoveries on the voyage led him to develop his famous theory of evolution. Furthermore, after working on his theory for 20 years, he published his book, ‘On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection’ in 1859. His other works include Variation in Animals and Plants Under Domestication and The Descent of Man.  Charles Darwin is regarded as one of the most influential figures in human history.

What Is the Meaning of the Quote?

The quote eloquently unravels the secret of survival during adversities and changing times. The best quality that one may possess to endure challenges and emerge victorious is adaptability. As we grow up, we become too attached to our circumstances. For instance, we like hanging out only with a few people we have known for a long time, or we are reluctant to learn different skills, explore different career paths, etc. The significant drawback of being stagnant is that it becomes difficult for us to embrace change and adjust ourselves accordingly.

There are things I can’t force. I must adjust. There are times when the greatest change needed is a change of my viewpoint.

Denis Diderot

We live in an era where technological advancement is increasing by leaps and bounds. Every day the world is introduced to new gadgets and software that makes the conventional method of performing tasks obsolete. In the past decade, individuals and enterprises who accepted this change have modified their working strategy and upgraded their knowledge to take advantage of using the latest devices and programs. As a result, they continued to prosper and weren’t left behind. In contrast, some prominent companies refused to become adaptable to changing times. Their stubbornness hampered their growth, resulting in their business’s failure.  

Thus, we must always be willing to accept the different and challenging circumstances in our personal and professional lives. Worrying or getting anxious about things not remaining the same will bring nothing good. Stress and anxiety would only exhaust you and refrain you from thinking critically.

Hence, whenever you encounter a problem or difficulties in your life, do not complain or become stubborn. Instead, remind yourself that you have the gift of critical thinking and adaptability. Thus, use them wisely to transition into the new change in your life with a positive mindset. 

What Are the Dangers of Inadaptability?

Adaptation is one of the strongest skills that can empower anyone to become more solution-oriented and learn new things with time. An individual who is flexible and embraces change solves their complexities quicker than a rigid person. This is because, instead of worrying and complaining about their challenges, wise people use their time to think and analyze the problem critically.

Refusing to mold yourself according to different circumstances creates adjustment problems. As a result, you won’t be able to give your best. Let’s present an example: an employee is comfortable working with their old team members in their department. However, the same employee is transferred to a new section where they must work under a new boss and with different colleagues. Now, this individual has 2 options: they can try to befriend the new team and learn from them. Or they can keep complaining about their transfer and deteriorate their work performance. The latter may still result in them finding a new job and still getting used to a new team.

Failure to accept changes and modify yourself accordingly will deteriorate both your knowledge and skills. Therefore, you must always upgrade your knowledge and refine your expertise.

Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative.

H. G. Wells

How to Adopt a Solution-Oriented Mindset?

Challenges and changes are an inevitable part of our life. A life without complexities is often monotonous which dulls both our skills and personality. Hence, do not get scared whenever life presents you with different problems. Instead, view your obstacles as an opportunity to learn something new and become a better, wiser, and smarter version of yourself.

There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.


The following tips will help you adopt a solution-oriented mindset and enhance your problem-solving skills.

1.    Stay Calm and Focus on The Problem

The first step to becoming solution-oriented is to stay relaxed when confronting a problematic situation. Many individuals panic and get anxious when they are faced with difficulties. This is an unhealthy approach, as anxiety and nervousness can disturb our focus and distract us from searching for solutions.

Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.

Saint Francis de Sales

Hence, always face your issues calmly. Give yourself a pep talk by reminding yourself that worrying about your problem won’t yield any desirable results.

2.    Analyze the Problem and Think of Solutions

Once you are free of apprehensions and stress, focus your attention on how to solve your problem or turn it in your favor. Critically study the complexities, and try to figure out a feasible solution. Do not worry if you cannot solve your issues in one go. You can always take a step back and review your problem from a fresh perspective.

3.    Take Help from Experts

One of the best ways to become solution-oriented and strengthen your problem-solving skills is to seek help from experts. Many people hesitate to ask for assistance or guidance when they are in trouble. Always remember that asking for help is not a sign of weakness or incompetence. Instead, it shows your eagerness to solve your problem and enrich your knowledge.